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Here at eKwip, we are spiritually equipping youth for the future. The letters in "eKwip" stand for Empowering Kids With Infinite Purpose and we are operating by the principle of Proverbs 22:6. We believe that if we can help kids grow in their faith and relationship with Jesus, they will understand they have a purpose in life and learn to live a life that is righteous so they can see their purpose fulfilled. When times get tough, they will learn to trust the Lord to get them through the struggles instead of relying on things that can lead to a path of destruction.


We hope to reach as many kids and youth as we can and to let them know that despite their current situations and circumstances, there is a God who loves them, who breathed life into them and has a plan for their life.


We offer classes and events for young people of all ages to attend where they will have fun learning about Jesus and being with other Christians who will encourage one another while building their relationship with Christ.


The mission of St. John's Reformed Church is to love God and neighbor, preach salvation through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, protect unborn life, preserve the family and the sanctity of marriage, defend religious freedom and human dignity, and take the whole Gospel to a hurting world.

VBS 2020

Despite the Covid-19 Pandemic, we are still excited for an awesome week of VBS! We have a tentative date scheduled for the end of June; however, we will keep you up to date with the details as they unfold! We are considering options of changing the dates or maybe even somehow doing a virtual VBS! Once we have a definite plan or once this Stay at Home order is lifted, we will be posting an update with all of the details and how to register your child! We have had so much fun with VBS the last two years and we will make sure we have a fun plan this year too -- even if it has to be virtual! 

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